Static electricity can impact products in a wide variety of industries, such as automotive, electronics, medicine, plastics processing, printing, semiconductor processes, ALLESD static eliminators help stop static problems in all of these industries.
Ionizers achieve ionization through a variety of means, they can be divided by whether they use an alternating current (AC) or a direct current (DC), i.e AC ionizers and DC ionizers. They also can be divided as ionizer blower, ionizer nozzle, ionizer gun and etc by different structures.
Anti-static bars, also called ionization bars, eliminate issues like static cling. Most often, users install anti-static bars above industrial product lines, where they send an ionized corona through the air to remove static electricity.
Anti-static spray is an atypical mechanism of static elimination that works by coating surfaces with a thin, translucent layer of buildup-deterring spray. They work well on surfaces with exceptionally high electric charges, in hard-to-reach places and blocked surfaces, and with products that move at high speeds.
Human body static eliminator helps people fast remove static electricity, it is suitable for chemical industry, metallurgy, petroleum, pyrotechnics, computer room, hotels, offices, etc.